Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We Reap what We Sow

The baiting of this blogger by dimwits such as Alhadee ( see comments section to this post : http://syamil-revert.blogspot.com/2008/08/emotional-responses-prejudicial-to.html) is symptomatic of the fact that the quality of intellectual discourse has long gone to the dogs in Malaysia. This decline in standards coincided with the ascension and the reign of one Mahathir Mohamed and the social engineering policies he devised in his grandiose attempt to transform a third world shit hole into a first world model state. By all accounts, the plan was a monumental failure for it was premised on faulty social, economic and political principles. So much so that what he sowed is being reaped in the form of the dummy I linked to above and the many such imbeciles littering the socioscape of this now blighted but once promising land. More on the Mahathir years soon as I am in the midst of collating the requisite material to argue my case. For the time being, however, the tale of Malaysia in the preceding 22 years before 2003 will be a litany of decay permeating every pillar of society. Be it the economy, the judiciary, the constitution, the education system, health, free speech etcetera, the unrestrained meddling and tinkering by good ol’ doc has wrought the irreversible damage that we witness today, be it in institutions of state or in individuals like Alhadee.

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